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中心简介 四川轻化工大学中印巴研究中心是为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于加强智库建设的重要批示,落实《中国特色新型高校智库建设推进计划》,繁荣发展高校哲学社会科学,推进中国特色新型高校智库建设,适应我国“一带一路”倡议的需要而成立的。中心是致力于中印巴及周边区域国际政治关系、经贸合作、文化交流、科技研发等研究的高校智库,重点研究“中印巴”及周边区域国际合作发展相关的现实性、前瞻性、战略性问题,为地方政府和企业科学决策提供高水平智力支持,旨在推动中国与印度、巴基斯坦等国家的区域合作。 中印巴研究中心通过开展各种形式的学术文化交流和科学研究合作,增强中印巴及周边地区人民之间的互信和友谊,促进自贡、宜宾乃至四川更好地融入“一带一路”倡议,为推进中印巴及周边区域命运共同体建设做出贡献。 中心积聚校内外资源,努力培育一支在中印巴政治、经济、文化、科技和中印巴人文交流方面具有专业优势和一定影响的研究团队,现有校内外专兼职研究人员20余人。中心自2018年12月成立以来,积极探索与印巴地区高端智库和高校沟通渠道,积极开展中外学术研讨会、沙龙、讲座等学术活动,并邀请了来自中国、巴基斯坦、印度、斯里兰卡、孟加拉国、尼泊尔等国的专家来中心进行学术交流。 中印巴研究中心将不断提高研究质量,努力把中心建成具有专业优势和重要影响的集科学研究、决策咨询、人才培养、国际交流等功能于一体的新型高校智库和科研平台。 Sichuan University of Science and Engineering Center for China-India-Pakistan Studies (CCIPS)
Welcome to Center for China-India-Pakistan Studies (CCIPS) at Sichuan University of Science and Engineering. CCIPS is a university think tank and research platform dedicated to the study of international political relations, economic and trade cooperation, cultural exchanges, scientific and technological research and development in China, India, Pakistan and surrounding regions, focusing on the reality, foresight, and strategies related to the development of international cooperation between China, India, Pakistan and surrounding regions. It provides high-level intellectual support for scientific decision-making by local governments and enterprises, aiming to promote regional cooperation between China, India, Pakistan and other countries. Through various forms of academic and cultural exchanges and scientific research cooperation, the center strengthens the mutual trust and friendship between the people of China, India, Pakistan and the surrounding regions, and promotes Zigong, Yibin and even Sichuan Province to better integrate into the “Belt and Road” initiative. The center accumulates resources inside and outside the university, and strives to cultivate a research team with professional advantages and certain influence in politics, economy, culture, science and technology. There are currently more than 20 full-time and part-time researchers inside and outside the university. Since its establishment in December 2018, the center has actively explored communication channels with high-end think tanks and universities in India and Pakistan, actively carried out academic seminars, salons, lectures and other academic activities, and invited experts from China, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh for academic exchanges. The Center for China-India-Pakistan Studies will continue to improve the quality of research, and strive to build the center into a new type of university think tank and research platform with professional advantages and important influence. |